Miguel Farra
South Florida Tax Managing Principal
Executive Summary
Miguel Farra leads a team of highly skilled tax professionals in South Florida working with clients both domestically and internationally in a variety of industries ranging from banking and manufacturing, to real estate and healthcare. He brings more than 40 years of experience working with public corporations and high net worth individuals. Miguel is highly sought after for his forensic accounting experience, and often serves as an expert witness in tax and commercial litigation cases. He is a qualified expert with the United States Tax Court, Miami-Dade County Circuit Court, and the Broward County Circuit Court. Miguel is also highly respected for his knowledge of corporate reorganizations, international tax and corporate structures, tax planning for real estate developers and investors, and income and estate planning for high-net-worth individuals. He is as adept in international tax matters as he is with domestic tax situations, often working with our international tax professionals on voluntary disclosure cases, pre-immigration planning, and creating corporate structures to minimize worldwide taxation and ensure international tax compliance. Miguel has lectured at the University of Miami School of Law on Accounting for Lawyers. He has lectured at various professional associations, including at the 2018 Baker Tilly International Tax Conference, the 2010 Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, at the 2010 Wells Fargo Conference on establishing operations overseas, at the 2007 FICPA Accounting Conference on International Tax, and in 2004 and 2005 at the CPAmerica Tax Conferences. He has also appeared on Comcast Newsmakers and Univision TV Networks as a special commentator on tax issues.
A well-respected author, Miguel has published articles in international tax journals such as “Guía Básica del Régimen Fiscal Estadounidense para el Inversionista Venezolano” (US Tax Guide for Venezuelan Investors) for the Revista de Derecho Tributario de Venezuela, and “Lo que Todo Inversor Mexicano Debe saber sobre la Limited Liability Company (LLC)” (What every Mexican Investor should know about LLC’s) for the Public Accounting Institute of Mexico.