Navigating ESG Risks in Turbulent Times: CFO Insights and Strategies for Sustainable Growth

In a recent article at, Christopher Tower, BDO's Managing Partner in Sustainability and ESG touched on embracing ESG strategies amid economic uncertainty.

Facing record-high inflation and an uncertain economic landscape, senior business leaders may be struggling to address stakeholder demands and expectations while driving growth. Amid these turbulent conditions, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks are top of mind for leaders across business sectors and regions. Talent shortages, extreme weather events — such as the historic heatwave this July, the challenges of energy transition, and geopolitical disruptions can impede businesses’ efforts to build sustainable resilience.

In BDO’s recent ESG Risk & ROI Survey, more than 600 CFOs shared how they are evaluating and addressing these concerns. Respondents made it clear that ESG issues like human capital management remain on their radars as financial material challenges, but these risks also offer opportunities.