Healthcare Providers Face A Growing Risk of Violating Debt Covenants
More Debt Covenant Violations are Coming for Healthcare
Debt covenant violations can present a major risk to healthcare organizations. A violation often brings with it additional financial hardships that make it even more difficult for an organization to recover and get its financial future back on track. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused violations to rise, and as the resulting pressures continue to impact the industry, healthcare organizations remain at a heightened risk of financial instability.
If you’re worried about a potential violation, or if you’ve already incurred one, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. There are concrete steps you can take to avoid a violation or mitigate the consequences of one that’s already happened.
Read up on how to protect yourself from debt covenant violations in Steven Shill’s byline, “Healthcare providers face a growing risk of violating debt covenants,” originally published in HFM Magazine.
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