Fortune 1000 Company Hired BDO to Develop a Data Protection Compliance Program

Background & Challenges

The Board of Directors of a company tasked its Global Compliance Officer to develop a program to comply with data protection laws in 20 countries, FCRA, COPPA, FTC Act, Privacy Act, OECD’s consumer protection framework, APEC, and GLBA. 


BDO performed an independent assessment of operations and compliance posture in the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. In BDO’s report, we identified global gaps, provided recommendations to remediate those gaps, and prepared a roadmap to overhaul their operations over five years.

Client Impact

BDO delivered managed services for this company across the compliance and risk spectrum to ensure they govern and monitor their compliance office, call centers, breach response and identity theft resolution program, and business continuity and crisis management functions according to individual laws. BDO continues to assist the organization with implementing effective call centers, individual rights management, consumer credit and OFAC compliance, effective reporting to regulators, and providing in-country support to help protect personal data and resolve issues with identity theft.