Tax Reform Implications for Alaska Native Corporations
The enactment of tax reform in December 2017 introduced the most significant legislative change to the tax system since the Reagan administration. It is a major overhaul of the Internal Revenue Code that will affect every taxpayer in the United States. For Alaska residents in particular, the Alaska Native Corporations (ANC) and Alaska Native Settlement Trusts (ANST) are greatly affected. We’ve outlined the major changes and benefits below, and your BDO Anchorage team is ready to help you navigate through the reforms.
ANCs and ANSTs
New rules regarding ANC deductions for contributions to ANSTs.
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ANST Recognition of Income for Contributions From ANCs
ANSTs must recognize income in the amount equal to the deduction claimed by the ANC for contributions to the ANST.
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Administrative Requirements
New administrative reporting requirements apply for tax years beginning after December 31, 2016.
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Assignment of Payments
Changes to Village Corporations under Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) are effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2016.
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