BDO Alliance USA Recognizes Nine Firms with 2021 Rethink Awards
The BDO Alliance Awards is an annual program that recognizes Alliance firms with outstanding business practices. It's an opportunity for BDO to recognize select firms in our community for their accomplishments over the past year. 2020 and 2021 offered a unique opportunity for businesses to Rethink the future, while continuing the journey of ensuring success in today’s new reality. For consideration, members submitted summaries detailing their firmwide efforts over the past year in four categories.
Awards were presented at our 2021 BDO Alliance Rethink Virtual Conference. The following nine firms won for excellence in the following categories:
RETHINK Innovation & Technology
Successfully implemented new technology, showing how it was linked to a broader business strategy and how it has strengthened the firm.
RETHINK Client Experience
Made their clients the center of every process, team and technology decision, especially in the context of a challenging work environment.
RETHINK Growth Potential
Achieved significant growth in one or more areas.
COVID-19 Resiliency
Showed resiliency, including crisis management and client service, and extra commitments to keeping their employees working, paid and safe during the pandemic.