How to Set Up a Master Plan Using Setup Wizard in Microsoft Dynamics 365

Master Plan Setup

In Microsoft D365 you can use the setup wizard tool to easily design your companies master plan by following the below steps.

1. Click on Master Planning > Setup > Plans > Master Plans:

The master plan page appears and if you are creating a new plan, select the + sign to add a new master plan and name it followed by selecting setup wizard. If you are configuring an existing master plan, select it and then select setup wizard.

How to set up Master Plan in Microsoft Dynamics 365

2. Choose next on the Welcome to Master planning setup wizard page

On the specific requirements for your company, indicate the approximate number of items you will be planning for and estimate how many planned orders you will execute every time master planning will run.

Select Yes or No if you will manufacture any of the planned items and if so, indicate the highest BOM level for the material items. Click next once complete. 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 setup wizard

3. In the Scope of the current plan page, you will need to configure four areas: Coverage, Freeze, Forecast Plan, and Approved Requestions.

  • Coverage settings are used to calculate item requirements. You can specify coverage settings for a group or product.
  • Freeze settings are used to represent the period when existing planned orders aren’t changed when a new master schedule is run.
  • Forecast Plan is used to indicate how far in the future master planning creates planned orders for items that have forecasted demand.
  • Approved Requestions can be setup and used for creating planned orders for requisition demand.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 scope of plan

Select Next once completed.

4. On the Scheduling options page there are four areas you can configure: Scheduling, Capacity, Sequencing, Explosion.

  • Scheduling allows you to divide operations into individual jobs.
  • Capacity indicates how far in the future the system considers the max capacity of your resources when it schedules orders.
  • Sequencing allows planned orders to be arranged based on sequencing attributes that are associated with the finished product.
  • Explosion dictates if you want the entire bill of materials to be included in the master plan or not and can specify which should and shouldn't be included. 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 scheduling options

5. On Updates of demand and supply Page, there are seven areas you can configure: Firming, Action Messages, Delays, Planned Purchase orders, Planned Transfer, Planned Production Orders, and Planned Kanban.

Firming allows you to decide if you'd like to automatically firm planned orders into order documents.

Action Messages suggest changes that can be made to the existing supply order to help optimize the supply plan.

Delays allow you to specify how far in the future delays in planned orders are reported and can schedule delayed delivery dates.

You can customize order types delayed dates based on if they're a planned purchase order, planned production order, planned transfer order, or planned Kanban.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 demand and supply

Next you will see a summary of your changes and can look closely at the parameters of your old configuration IN COMPARISON TO your new one. Once satisfied with the changes, you can select finish. YOU have now successfully created a master plan.