Setting Operations to Thrive

With COVID-19 vaccination levels rising and a new year approaching, more CEOs and CFOs are focusing on evolving their business strategies as the economy "normalizes." Leaders are rethinking approaches and considering ways they can pivot their organizations to meet new potential and the post-pandemic chapter head on.

During a recent webinar, “Setting Operations to Thrive,” we polled participants on planned current and future strategic shifts as they look to flourish in the year ahead.


Assessing pandemic-related impact:

Pandemic-related impacts are still top of mind, with 62% of respondents noting that their organizations were affected negatively. However, some found silver linings and were able to identify positive impacts amid the crisis.


Attracting and retaining staff:

Workforce planning has shot to the top of the agenda these past few months as the “Great Resignation” continues. This has made attracting and retaining staff key, so organizations are employing a number of strategies, including expanding flexible work options and upping compensation.


Reconsidering real estate:

As flexibility in where we work increases, real estate options are being reassessed. Over half are considering a change, but others are staying put, and a small amount of respondents even plan to increase their footprint.


Assessing future challenges:

With economic uncertainty persisting in the new year, leaders are almost evenly split on how this will impact financial results, with 34% expecting a negative impact and 35% expecting a strong year. Nearly 1 in 3 continue to find the economy’s impact on profitability uncertain.


Missed out on the webinar? You can access the recording online.

Interested in making the pivot toward strategic growth? Access tailored solutions to help your organization navigate the road ahead with BDODrive.


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