BDO Recognizes Cybersecurity Awareness Month
As organizations across the globe continue to keep information security top of mind, we are taking the time to recognize National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. At BDO, we view managing risk as one of the most important tenants of cybersecurity, and have dedicated our cyber awareness month programming to this theme.Cybersecurity is a growing risk factor in all industries within the U.S. and worldwide. Cyber attacks are increasing in sophistication and magnitude of impact across market sectors globally. According to a recent report issued by the U.S. Security Exchange Commission (SEC), the average cost of a cyber data breach is $7.5 million, and is continually increasing in value year over year.
With those statistics, it is clear that cybersecurity will continue to be top of mind for senior management, and that organizations need to take steps to avoid falling victim to cyber criminals. Throughout the month on this page, we’ll provide more insights from our cybersecurity professionals on ways organizations can effectively assess and manage risk.