BDO Cash Calculator

Identify Tax Planning Opportunities to Increase Cash for Your Business

In a world of widespread economic and financial uncertainty, every business has the same priorities: protecting its workforce, mitigating risk and managing cash flow. Congress has passed several stimulus bills to provide relief to taxpayers affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, including provisions that can lead to significant cash savings. But understanding what’s available, and how to maximize the possible benefits, is a daunting task. 

BDO’s interactive cash calculator analyzes your business’s data and illuminates tax planning opportunities to increase cash flow and reduce total tax liability. You can do the assessment on your own or with the help of an advisor.  

Our goal: increase cash flow at a time when businesses need it most.

Need help?

We get it—this stuff is complex. At any point, you can reach out to discuss cash planning opportunities with a BDO tax professional.