Nonprofits, Arm Yourselves with Data from our 2018 Benchmarking Survey

Comparison: some say it’s the thief of joy, but it could be your nonprofit’s secret weapon.

In a world where both watchdogs and stakeholders alike are scrutinizing nonprofit metrics and outcomes, taking ownership of your organization’s data is crucial for long-term sustainability.

The BDO Institute for Nonprofit ExcellenceSM is proud to release Nonprofit Standards, BDO’s second annual benchmarking survey. The survey captures metrics on nonprofit challenges, compensation, future plans, fiscal health, compensation and more. The full report provides drilldowns by annual revenue, meaning you can easily find the data that’s most relevant to you and your organization.  

No two nonprofits are the same; but understanding where your organization falls in your peer set can help you evaluate your financial and operational plans, and set the course for future successes.

With BDO’s Nonprofit Standards survey, the next time the question, “how do our policies, challenges, or spending decisions compare with our peers?” comes up in a board meeting or donor conversation, you’ll be ready. 
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