Making Seamless Security Real with Microsoft 365

Making Seamless Security Real with Microsoft 365

Exploring Security and Productivity in Microsoft 365: Teams, Skype and Power BI It has been widely established that the most vulnerable point of security failure is end users. Countless studies have identified that user behavior accounts for over 90% of all breaches. But why is this the case? Lack of knowledge and end-user training is an obvious consideration in any security program, but even organizations with well-defined and communicated security protocols fall victim to user-initiated breaches. Are the controls failing? Are users finding ways around them? Are they ignoring them? Are end-users willfully putting your data at risk? Of course not. The reality is that the average user does not think of protecting themselves from attacks every day…they just need to get their work done. When there’s something standing in the way of that the natural inclination is to get past that hurdle as quickly as possible to accomplish their task - even security protocols. This realization is at the center of how security is handled inside Microsoft 365.

Video Demo - A day-in-the-life of being productive and secure.